Saturday, June 9, 2012

Initiatives, ideas, enthusiasm to create and to think outside of the box

The fault of the education system regarding the issues raised above, hold back youth from getting ahead and venturing into the unknown. It is this unknown that I wish to elaborate on here.

What is the unknown? It is a space that no one has gone to before. It is a risk that may or may not work, but will only be found out if you actually go there. Life without risks is not life. However excitement of the unknown must accompany the journey, as otherwise one cannot benefit from this space and make full use of it.

I encourage youth to venture into this space. Most of you already have the security of a home to go to when in need. You are not alone in the world. You are not tied up with family and financial responsibility. It is only during this window of opportunity that you can take up this space and make a go of it. You will then have no regrets in the future that you did not take the opportunity afforded, as it does not come again, as your life will move on to the next phase.

So let us define this word SPACE and go find it, indulge in it, live it, wallow in it and most of all, enjoy it to the fullest. It is fleeting moment for most of us in our life’s journey. Think of the space as the great unknown. This is the time to think of something new, an idea perhaps which as the subject above shows is made up of many parts.

The word ‘think outside of the box’ is the most important message here. That is the hardest to do due to the spoon fed education that most receive. Therefore you find it difficult to envisage life outside the constraints you have been set, or set for yourself. So the initial stage of getting outside that framework and exploring the unknown with a fresh outlook, without the baggage of the framework. Change is a crucial part of this thought process, because if you cannot accept change you cannot think outside the box! Embrace change, look forward to change and make a change. It is those who change that succeed and it is all about being fulfilled. That fulfillment differs from person to person and therefore it does not matter what you do, as long as you enjoy doing whatever you have chosen to do.

Grab the “SPACE” afforded to you. Take a chance, think outside the box, make change to your life and explore an idea, before it is too late.

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