Monday, June 11, 2012

The excitement of a spur of the moment decision

A characteristic of youth as compared with older people who have been around and done that! is that young people have an in built desire for instant gratification that involves very little planning. Older folks plan their lives. Often this is out of necessity with family commitments, responsibility, keeping up with the Jones’s and ‘bills’ to pay.

It is important that youth understand that they are fortunate to be spontaneous. Yesterday I was at an event, and all the young people towards the end of the party decided to go bowling. All of them piled up into whoevers vehicle they could squeeze into and off they went. Remember however it is the adults who gave them the dough to do so!!! The mums and the dads plied them with the 1000 rupee notes, which the young thought nothing of taking without a word of thanks!

I quote one example of a spur of the moment decision, to illustrate my point, unless the reader is not clear on the point I am trying to make. It is important at a young age to know these are moments to savor to enjoy and make the most of. They do not return time and time again, and the older one gets, the more focused one is, it is more difficult to be unpredictable in an exciting way.

The caveat to the spontaneity is the maturity to know one’s boundaries. I am not advocating binge drinking that many engage in just to be blind drunk, or to leap of a bridge or anicut in a place one is not familiar with and possibly break one’s neck. It is the adults who must give proportion to the behavior by explaining responsibility at an early age to take charge or ownership of the decisions that one makes.

The ability of convincing whoever you want to join you in your mad escapade is also a sign of leadership, one that takes tact and persuasion. This leadership must be encouraged by parents to develop organizational skills. That is why gamesmanship is such an important part of growing up. In society one has to interact with all manner of people, including the most disagreeable ones if one is to survive and get one’s way. Learning this interaction at an early stage is a huge advantage, which many of the private schools and some of the leading state schools are able to inculcate, and which is one reason parents go to such desperate lengths to enter their children into these establishments which have a proven record. 

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