Monday, July 2, 2012

Tell the Truth for God’s sake

Is this the first time or do I continue on this theme? If it is continuous it is because it is a topic that needs to be addressed time and time again, as lying especially by young people who are unable to account for their actions is a huge issue in 2012 Sri Lanka. Is it a problem all over the world? I am sure to a lesser degree, but young people in Sri Lanka believe it is a license to lie.

This lying culture especially by the youth who get routinely beaten up by the police because the answers given are lies and bald faced lies, it is important that something is done about it and addressed. In addition to lying, the SL culture is one that hates to say No to anything or cant and therefore there is an added cultural dimension to the lying. For example when people are invited to an event, even a dhana, they do not say they cannot come. So when they do not come it is either expected or not a surprise. So it is hard to know who will come when invited as no one likes to say no. They at least say they will try and come for at least a short while, when they mean they really have no chance of coming to the event.

I have this lying problem from well educated intellectuals, more than I get from poor or simple youth from villages who sometimes seem to have a better sense of truth and lies!! That I find is quite surprising, as it therefore is not an education issue, and is more a cultural thing, with people who try to keep up with the Joneses more likely to lie than those who have simple tastes and simple requirements.

I hope that we will be able to change this lying culture, but that can only be done through a project at schools for grade one and two to discourage them from lying.

This will then, along with practical aspects of saving the environment are all areas where youth can be taught a whole lot of things. In this blog, I will go on about adding to the list of primary teaching requirements so lying or telling the truth is top of the list, saving the environment, and preventing pollution is also top of the list, and along with the respect for the elders, that is also lost on youth. These are all timely requirements which can make a huge difference to the future of youth, in them being able to find employment and hold down jobs, both of which they find hard to do today.

I hope young people can look inward and stop lying to save their skin!

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