Saturday, May 26, 2012

The National Cadet Corps Training Camp in Rantambe

A 15yr old boy dies whilst undergoing Cadet Training at the NCC Training Camp in Rantambe. The actual circumstances of this accident or death have not been made public as yet, but it gives rise to matters that Youth must concern themselves with.

In this blog I refer especially to the issues that affect young people in Sri Lanka between the ages of 15 and 35, which I do not see covered in any detail either in the Sri Lankan blogosphere or in the Media to a degree that is needed in our society today.

I show here the link to the newspaper article in the Island of May 26th 2012, referring to the death above, which brings to the forefront some issue that we must consider in the interests of these young people. 

The article talks about over 2000 young people undergoing cadet training. I would like the input of any young person who has recently undergone this training to comment or send me a note of where and when he attended this and what was included in it and his personal thoughts.

All email addresses from which the notes come will remain confidential and if any of your names are required to be confidential, that will also be honored as it is not the name of the person that matters, but the circumstance of the event that matters to the readers for them to make up their own minds about that particular issue.

We do not have any idea if this camp was for individual schools cadet corps that get together from time to time for training at this center, and any points you may have whether a 15yr old is too young to attend a camp will also be appreciated. Do you also think if girls should attend such camps, and if so from what age, and what minimum standards must be met, such as the number of female instructors and the female only lodging or dormitories that respect the privacy of the girls.

There are many issues of interest such as these that do not get an airing anywhere and I sincerely hope this forum will be of benefit to the writer and the reader and so I wish this venture every success. Thank You.

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