Wednesday, May 30, 2012

If you get the marks to get into University but do not get the course you want to follow – don’t take it! It will be the best decision you will make

It is important that we empower ourselves at an early age and learn to take control of over our lives and not let others dictate terms. The worst form of dictatorial edicts is the University entrance system. It is solely guided by the Z score. If we get into university, the next question is what university and what course of study. WE MUST NOT just take what it is we get, we must choose what it is we want, and ONLY take that.

So many get into Medical College, who do not want to be doctors, but are pressured into following the course and passing out, as they are those with the highest marks and are usually able to get through medical college and qualify. Then what!! MANY leave medicine within 5 years of qualification and do not practice. It is estimated that 20% fall into this category. What a waste of resources to train a doctor. About Rs7M at today’s money.

So if you, on the other end of the spectrum do not get the grades to do the course you want, or have not been chosen for the university and course of your choice my advice is to OPT OUT. DO NOT join the majority of students in the Sri Lanka state education system, who follow the course JUST to get the degree, and not because they have any interest in the subject or pursuing a career related to the subject courses they follow. You are less likely to find employment going to university, than dropping out and following a course in the private sector.

Do not be fooled by thinking University education is free. It is hugely costly, especially in time. When we are young we do not value our time. If you put a value on your time (opportunity cost of the time you sacrifice to go to University) you will discover you have sacrificed hundreds of thousands for NOTHING. Most graduates graduate at 25, which is sometimes 7 years after leaving school. That is a huge waste of the most productive years of your life.

DO NO FORGET that in foreign countries people graduate at age21 except for Medicine, so they have a head start. Try and understand the time value of money. With no family commitments, the young age is the most productive, and you can achieve the most in education only then.

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